Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
A lithium-ion battery in which the active material of the positive (+) terminal consists of lithium iron phosphate.
This version of the lithium-ion battery has become established in the supply and motorcycle sectors because, unlike some Li-ion variants, it is considered to be extremely safe. In the event of overcharging, no metallic lithium is deposited in LiFePO4 and no oxygen is released, which significantly reduces the fire hazard.
LiFePo4 batteries, like all lithium-ion batteries, are very small and light and have a long service life. They can be installed in any position, since they do not contain liquid electrolyte. They have a low self-discharge, tolerate the highest charging currents and can be charged very quickly. Special lithium chargers or the simplest chargers with automatic cut-off are suitable for charging. Modern pulse chargers are not suitable for lithium-ion batteries.