Das Bild zeigt einen Nachwuchs-Motorradfahrer und das Logo der intAct Battery-Power Community.

intAct Battery-Power Community

Success and fun - hand in hand

Whether you're a world championship pro, aspiring or former rider, amateur, custom bike builder or enthusiast. You want to achieve something, we provide the power.

We bundle our commitment in the intAct Battery-Power Community. For valuable exchange, mutual promotion and more fun.

Das Bild zeigt den MotoE-Fahrer Lukas Tulovic in Action.

PRO members

Active and former professional racers

Mental strength, the ability to think big and not give up.

That's what professional sport needs. Whether they are active athletes or already in their second career, we support professionals whose attitude inspires us.

In return, they are the figureheads and prominent brand ambassadors of intAct Battery-Power and, with their concentrated load of know-how and experience, a source of inspiration and motivation for the next generation in our community.

Athletes PRO

Das Bild zeigt den Superbike Fahrer Philipp Öttl.
Philipp Öttl
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Das Bild zeigt den Supersport-Motorradfahrer Marcel Schrötter.
Marcel Schrötter
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Das Bild zeigt den deutschen Rennfahrer Jonas Folger.
Jonas Folger
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Das Bild zeigt den Schweizer Fahrer Jesko Raffin.
Jesko Raffin
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Das Bild zeigt den Motorrad-Rennfahrer Marvin Fritz.
Marvin Fritz
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Das Bild zeigt Alex Hofmann, den ehemaligen Rennfahrer und jetzigen Moderator.
Alex Hofmann
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Das Bild zeigt die Moderatorin Eve Scheer
Eve Scheer
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Das Bild zeigt Stefan Nebel.
Stefan Nebel
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Das Bild zeigt den Supermoto Fahrer Felix Wegscheider in Action.

SEMI members

Active drivers not (yet) in the professional segment

On the way to the top or in love with special categories.

Balancing school, work and top-class sport is not always easy. This makes the commitment shown by our athletes in this segment all the more impressive.

In this crucial phase of an athlete's career, it's not just about money, but also about visibility. Two areas in which intAct Battery-Power helps them.

Athleten SEMI

Das Bild zeigt den Supermoto Fahrer Felix Wegscheider.
Felix Wegscheider
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Das Bild zeigt den Nachwus-Fahrer Alessio Arnold in Action.

JUNIOR members

Young drivers with potential

It all begins with a childhood dream.

And then you have to persevere: Testing your own limits, learning to compete, celebrating successes, putting disappointments behind you and fighting on. Young athletes need staying power and lots of support. Parents who take part, sponsors, professional support. 

Athletes JUNIOR

Das Bild zeigt den jungen Motorradfahrer Alessio Arnold.
Alessio Arnold
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Das Bild zeigt den Nachwuchsfahrer Daniel Ferger.
Daniel Ferger
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Das Bild zeigt den Nachwuchsfahrer Fynn Kratochwil.
Fynn Kratochwil
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