Winter is here!


Das Bild zeigt Reifenspuren im frischen Schnee

The temperatures have been approaching freezing point for some time now, the first snow has already fallen and today is now also the official, meteorological start of winter. For us, that means putting on winter tyres, filling up with antifreeze and winterising the car. But what most people don't think about is the heart of the car - the starter battery. Without it, nothing works and we usually only notice this when it is already too late. That's why we want to help you with a few tips to prevent battery failure and get through the winter stress-free.

What happens to my battery in cold temperatures?
With every degree less on the thermometer, the available capacity of your battery also decreases. The lower the temperature, the slower the chemical processes within the battery that provide the necessary electrical power. So ideally, you'll make sure your car is garaged in the winter, so at least the battery isn't exposed to the full cold.

What can I do for my battery if I drive a lot of short distances?
You should always ask yourself this question, but the effects are greater in winter than in summer. If you always drive short distances, your starter battery may not get enough charge during the journey - with the result that the performance slowly but steadily decreases. In this case, you should check your car battery regularly and, if necessary, recharge it with a suitable charger. This will prevent unexpected failure and at the same time prolong the life of your battery.

What else do I have to pay attention to?
As a general rule, you should check your battery regularly, whether in summer or winter. On the one hand, this includes an external visual inspection, during which you inspect any damage to the battery box, the terminals or plugs. On the other hand, it also depends on the internal values. You should look at the state of charge (voltage) of your battery and possibly subject it to a load test with a battery tester in order to be able to assess the actual starting performance. It should be noted that maintenance-free batteries also require a certain amount of care, because care is not the same as maintenance! 

For quick and uncomplicated information on the state of charge of your battery, it is best to get our Battery-Guard.

Simply connect it to the battery, download the app and call up the charge status on your smartphone via Bluetooth at any time. This way, you can react quickly in case of insufficient charge and avoid battery failure or damage.

You want to know more about batteries and everything that goes with them? Then simply visit our knowledge area and get all the information you need. In the future we will constantly expand our knowledge area with new videos and texts. So feel free to check back regularly!
