All Types

intAct BackUp-Power
intAct US-Power
intact Start-Stop-Power EFB
IntAct Oldtimer-Power
intact premium-power
intAct Race-Power
intact start-power
intact Start-Power NG
intAct Start-Stop-Power AGM
Charge filled and charged battery before installation.
A battery that is not fully charged when installed will not reach its full capacity in the future and will have a significantly shortened service life. Even factory-filled and charged batteries can lose charge during storage. We recommend that you also …
Charging correctly step by step
Tip: For full performance: Charge before first installation! 1. preparation Check that your charger matches the battery. Does the charger support the correct charging voltage? Does the charging current provided match the battery? What charging curve …
What is wear and what can you do about it?
With a worn battery, the active material has degraded due to excessive load. Modern vehicles with many consumers constantly place higher demands on the battery. The capacity of the installed batteries is often not designed for this. Prevention The choice …
For plugs: Simply open them and look inside.
Low maintenance batteries have a distinct advantage: if something is wrong, you can open them and look inside. What you see will give you some clues. Warning: You can tell if the battery can be opened by the individual plugs on the top. Often these lead-acid …
Why should you charge wet batteries open?
Gases are produced during charging. As they rise, they mix the battery acid. It is better for the battery if it is open during this process. Important: This only applies to initial charging and to all batteries that can be opened. Never open a battery by force!
What the battery does
In a nutshell, the battery generates electricity, which it delivers to the consumers. It is charged and is ready again. So far, so good. Meanwhile, a bit of chemistry happens inside the battery. Current flow In principle, current flows between a positive …
Whether short or long: charging takes place while driving
How much time does your battery normally have to charge? If your journeys are never shorter than 100 km, this is different from if you regularly only drive distances of 1 - 2 km. The alternator charges the battery with a steady, low current. It takes …
What does absolutely maintenance-free mean?
Absolutely maintenance-free batteries are valve-regulated lead-acid batteries or VRLA batteries (VRLA = Valve Regulated Lead-Acid) that are sealed at the factory. Here, significantly less gas is produced than in wet batteries. The gas produced remains …
AGM or GEL drive batteries
Drive batteries in AGM or GEL technology are sealed, absolutely maintenance-free, leak-proof batteries in a closed design with a fixed electrolyte (in fleece or gel). Both are suitable for medium to heavy cyclic use, for example in cleaning machines, …
What are truck batteries
Batteries in trucks, commercial vehicles, agricultural machines and buses have to be vibration resistant due to engine vibrations. Our truck batteries in SHD versions are vibration resistant according to V3, like intAct Start-Power NG Truck, or V4, like …

What is a starter battery?

A battery that is charged by the alternator and starts the vehicle. For this purpose, the starter motor requires a lot of current for a short time. In addition to the cold start capacity (CCA), which indicates how much current the battery can ideally supply, the properties of a battery influence how reliably it can provide this starting power. A battery with very good charging properties recharges more quickly, for example, which benefits vehicles in city traffic in particular. It also supplies the consumers in vehicles without an additional back-up battery or supply battery. The more electrical consumers are installed at the factory or retrofitted, the more capacity is required to supply them when the vehicle is idling or at an engine stop and still reliably restart the vehicle.



Maintenance and Care
